PPIE - UUDEN KURSSIN AVOIMET OVET -WEBINAARI (Philosophy and Practice of Integrative Education - A Post-graduate Certificate for upper-school Waldorf teachers)
ACTS-opettajankoulutuksen toinen vuosikurssi aloittaa tammikuussa 2019!
Sat 27 October 2018 11:30 – 13:00 BST
Kuva sivulta: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/philosophy-practice-of-integrative-education-pg-cert-open-day-2019-roll-tickets-50735986702
Luovan ajattelun taitojen opettaminen ja arvioiminen ovat myös perusasteen tehtäviä, ja luovan ajattelun taitojen sertifikaatin voi myöntää jo perusasteen 9. luokalle! Olisi hienoa saada koulutukseen mukaan myös perusasteen opettajia, niiden 12 lukion aineenopettajan lisäksi, jotka aloittivat ensimmäisellä vuosikurssilla. Voisimme alkaa pohtia ja profiloida koko yhtenäistä steinerkoulua perusasteelta lukioon luovan ajattelun taitojen kouluksi. Myös yläkoulun luokanopettajat ja luokanopettajat, jotka opettavat aineenopettajina yläkoulussa, voivat hakea mukaan!
This postgraduate certificate programme is for upper school teachers who would
like to develop a truly contemporary practice of Waldorf education to meet the
changing needs of young people today. The main aim of the programme is to inspire
teachers to enliven and develop their teaching informed by core insights of
Waldorf pedagogy and other contemporary approaches.
The programme has two main areas of focus: On the one hand students develop
skills in the practical craft of teaching, such as using dialogic methods,
problem-based learning and developing classroom leadership skills. On the other
hand, students engage in a more philosophical and personal inquiry into the
deeper aims and intentions of education. Here the central questions are what is
a human being, what is ‘good’ education, and what should education really
serve? As part of this second line of inquiry, students learn about Rudolf
Steiner’s pedagogical and human developmental view of the human being. They
also learn about the basic principles of Steiner Waldorf education as applied
to the upper school years and how to work creatively with these in their own
The course is run by Crossfields Institute and taught by the Crossfields
Instute core faculty together with an international group of visiting external
faculty. Current students on the programme come from England, Scotland,
Ireland, Finland and Denmark. The second intake starts in January 2019.
Delivery is over 18 months and is a mixture of residential intensives, online
learning and work-based learning. The aim with this ’work-based’ model is that
the course is integrated as much as possible into the normal day-to-day
teaching responsibilities of students.
The programme is recognised by the Ministry of Education in Denmark as the mandatory qualifying teacher education course for those teaching 14-19 year olds in Steiner schools. Accreditation is through Alanus University, Germany, and graduating students gain 20 ECTS credits.
The programme modules
1. Teaching and Learning in the Context of Integrative Education
In this module, students learn about contemporary approaches to teaching and learning, including transdisciplinary, integrative, enquiry-based and dialogic learning. Students also learn about the principles of classroom leadership and how to develop collegial working in a teaching faculty.
In this module, students learn about contemporary approaches to teaching and learning, including transdisciplinary, integrative, enquiry-based and dialogic learning. Students also learn about the principles of classroom leadership and how to develop collegial working in a teaching faculty.
2. Philosophy and Practice of Steiner Waldorf Education
In this module, students explore key aspects of Steiner’s philosophical and developmental picture of the human being. They also learn about some of the core principles of Waldorf education and how to work creatively with these to develop their own practice.
In this module, students explore key aspects of Steiner’s philosophical and developmental picture of the human being. They also learn about some of the core principles of Waldorf education and how to work creatively with these to develop their own practice.
3. Holistic Assessment
In this module, students gain practical skills in the evaluation of student work. At the heart of this the practice of holistic assessment and formative assessment and the evaluation of creative thinking skills.
4. Research and Study Skills
In this module students learn how to do education related research to develop and deepen their own teaching practice. They also develop academic writing, study and research skills.
For more information about the course, please contact:
Charlotte von Bülow: charlotte@crossfieldsinstitute.com
Fergus Anderson: fergus@crossfieldsinstitute.com
Fergus Anderson: fergus@crossfieldsinstitute.com
You can also download a programme leaflet here:
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