"One New Zealand researcher spoke of post-disaster creativity..."

"It was a wonderful. 330 attendees from 28 countries from Asia, Europe, and the Americas", kertoo Elaine Holt terveisiään luovuuskonferenssista 3.-6. elokuuta Southern Oregonin yliopistosta. 

ACTS otettiin avoimesti vastaan, ja luovan ajattelun taidoista paljon pohtimamme 3D-ajattelu täydensi monia tutkimuksen aukkoja. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyin ja Robert Sternbergin tähdittämän konferenssin tarkoituksena oli tarjota uutta tietoa luovuustutkimukseen. 

Professori Stenberg jakoi huolemme jatkuvasta opiskelijoiden testaamisesta. Hän puhui viisauden ja tiedon tarpeesta ja oli melkein menettänyt toivonsa oppimisen arviointijärjestelmän muuttamisesta opiskelijalähtöisemmäksi. Elaine Holt ketoo Stenbergin ilahtuneen kuullessaan ACTS-projektista.

Muitakin poimintoja Elaine Holt kertoo konferenssista: "There were so many interesting talks. One New Zealand researcher spoke of post-disaster creativity and the effect of an 'elite panic' response to a perceived threat from creativity. -- It [3D-ajattelu] also spoke to the 'Malevolent Creativity' study into terrorism for the US Homeland Security. When viewed in terms of Steiner's indications as expressed by ACTS, it was clear why many studies like this experienced the difficulties or unexplained phenomena that they did. I really think it has something to offer on a range of fronts."

Konferenssia edelsi Elaine Holtin käymä keskustelu luovuuskonferenssin järjestäjän, luovuustutkija ja Creativity Research Journalin perustaja Marc Runcon kanssa. Runco toteaa sähköpostissaan Elaine Holtille, että ACTS-projektin tuottama kuvaus erilaisista luovan ajattelun taidoista on tällä hetkellä kattavin esitys, mitä on tarjolla! Jäämme innolla odottamaan Elainen syksyllä julkaistavaa kirjaa luovan ajattelun taidoista ja mahdollisesti lisää kuulumisia konferenssista. 


Englanninkielinen määritelmä 3D-ajattelulle (Katso kaikkien luovan ajattelun taitojen määritelmät osoitteesta acts.cloud):
Imagined Inner Structure/systems in 3 dimensions and over time – is the ability to maintain in thought, an overview of 3-dimensional physical or conceptual mechanisms, systems, forms or metamorphoses. It is also the ability to co-ordinate a variety of perspectives including the ability to represent the point of view or experience of another person.

Elaine Holtin esitelmän abstrakti:

Acknowledging Creative Thinking Skills
Presenter(s)/Co-authors: Elaine Holt, Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship
Location: Stevenson Union 319 
Abstract: In this talk I will outline and illustrate the results of the international, EU-funded, ACTS project, (Acknowledging Creative Thinking Skills), which set out in a practical and pragmatic way to rethink high school qualifications and design a rigorous, yet widely relevant, valid and portable system of qualifications. The ACTS qualification design is based upon a redefined spectrum of creative thinking skills that can be enabled and enhanced within transdisciplinary learning and the inclusion of non-formal and informal learning opportunities. The innovative core certificates within each diploma level have been designed to overarch any content, allowing the greatest flexibility to trial the approach without disruption to existing programmes. The project is currently in its final, piloting phase and has received positive international support for its potential to raise attainment for all and maximise creativity without increasing stress. Enhanced creative thinking is highly relevant in relation to the mounting global issues that face the young people of today and tomorrow. In an increasingly complex and uncertain world, they will need these skills as never before. I will also illustrate how these skills may be similarly relevant to higher education, business or any other area of human endeavour, since they work cooperatively with the natural process of learning and autonomy of thinking. In combination, they help pave the way to the ‘A-ha’ moment; to insight, or to a personal conviction based upon objective understanding and self-understanding. They can also enable and enhance meaningful creative action.

Tässä on 3D:tä parhaimmillaan! Kaikki Suomen linnat yhdessä hiekkalinnassa Lappeenrannan satamassa: Viipurin linna, Olavinlinna, Turun linna, Hämeen linna, Kastelholman linna ja Konnunsuon entinen vankila eli linna
